Fourteen schools in Torfaen could be fitted with solar PV panels.
The Welsh Government has agreed to give £1,275,361 under the Wales Energy Efficiency Loans Scheme. The plan was first raised in 2021 when the council approached the Welsh Government and funding of £652,920 was approved.
A new report on the proposals says “inflated market conditions” have led to higher costs and the government has agreed to the new tender that has been through a “full market testing” process.
The total loan is broken down as:
- Contractor’s cost- £969,849.16
- Pre-construction design services- £141,132.22
- Torfaen Council’s costs- £164,379.62
The report doesn’t list the 14 schools. The proposals now have to be approved by Cllr Mandy Owen, executive member for the environment. This is due to take place on Tuesday 28 March 2023.
The money is from Salix Finance Ltd, a UK government-owned body, and will have to be repaid after eight years.
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