henllys village hall
Henllys Village Hall (Photo: Cwmbran Life)

Councillors for Henllys Community Council awarded £300 grants to two organisations and heard about a review of community council boundaries at their latest meeting.

Cwmbran Life has already shared two stories from the meeting on Monday 13 March 2022.

There were a few other items discussed.

Grant applications

The council received two applications for grants. Councillors decided to give £300 to both Cwmbran Swimming Club and Tŷ Hafan, the children’s charity.

Community Review

Caroline Genever-Jones, elections and business manager at Torfaen Council, joined via video to talk about a review of community councils in Torfaen. She said there were various parts to the review and the council had a statutory duty to do it.

  1. Boundary review

This will look at the streets and estates that come under the Henllys Community Council and if they should change.

The review will look at the boundaries of all community councils in Torfaen and she said they could stay the same or may recommend that:

  • Boundaries should be altered.
  • Two or more community councils should be amalgamated into one.
  • A community council area should be split into two or more.

Any proposed changes would need to be approved by the Boundary Commission and the Senedd. She said things like new housing developments may mean boundaries could

  1. Council size

They would also review the number of councillors on community councils and see if that should be altered. She said that in Torfaen there wasn’t a ratio for the number of community councillors per elector but the review may suggest this should be introduced. Any changes that come out of the review would have to be approved by Torfaen Council.

A task and finish group has been set up and terms of reference will be agreed in March. Community Councils in Torfaen would be asked for comments and then the public consultation would start.

Caroline said that as it’s a public consultation, councillors could comment in their role as councillors or as residents in the community council’s area.

She said that the Boundary Commission like ‘natural boundaries’ such as streams or roads if they want to suggest any changes.

In October 2023 there will be a review of polling stations in Torfaen.

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