Residents in Torfaen are being asked to check their electoral registration details.
Emails and letters have been sent to every household in Torfaen listing the people registered to vote at each address.
A council spokesperson said: “If you receive an email, you MUST respond. The email will have the subject line “Communication A. If we do not have an email address for you, you will receive a letter which you only need to respond to if there are any changes. The annual canvass helps Torfaen Council to keep the electoral register up to date to ensure everyone who should be registered is and can vote in future elections.”
Anyone aged between 14 and 18 can now be registered, and anyone aged 16 or over can vote in Welsh local government and Senedd elections, including foreign nationals.
Caroline Genever-Jones, Torfaen Council’s Elections and Business manager, said: “If you don’t hear from us at all, you may not be on the register. You can register online at or contact the elections team. If email is your preferred choice of communication, please enter your email address on the registration forms.”
Recent home movers in particular are urged to check their details. Electoral Commission research has found that recent home movers are less likely to be registered than those who have lived at the same address for a long time.
Torfaen residents with questions about their registration status can call 01495 762200 or email
From October this year, voters will need to show photo identification or apply for a Voter Identification Certificate to vote in UK and Police and Crime Commissioner elections.
You will not need to show photo ID to vote in local council elections or Senedd elections in Wales.
Photo credit
Photo by Element5 Digital: