a plastic bag
Plastic that stretches when pulled can be recycled

Torfaen Council is asking for businesses to help make it easier for residents to recycle stretchy plastic in the county.

New public recycling points for plastic bags and wrapping known as “stretchy plastic” are to be introduced by Torfaen Council’s waste and recycling team.

They want businesses to become drop-off sites where residents can use a compacter to squash the items before they are popped in a recycling bin. A drop-off point has just opened in the Civic Centre in Pontypool with plans to roll out more sites in the near future.

Residents can recycle soft plastics including bread bags, carrier bags, popped bubble wrap, six pack rings, and the outer packaging of drinks cans or cartons by putting items into a compacter and then popping the squashed material into a large blue recycling bin. Instructions and signage on site expains what to do.

The plastic will then be recycled by Blaenavon-based Capital Valley Plastics into a membrane for the building trade.

a man stood by a blue recycling bin
Cllr Anthony Hunt, leader of Torfaen Council, stood by a soft plastic compactor and recycling bin in the Civic Centre

Councillor Mandy Owen, executive member for the environment, said: “A lot of people asked questions about stretchy plastic during our Raise the Rate consultation, so we have been working quickly to get a collection point up and running.

“Only plastic that stretches when pulled, can be reused by Capital Valley plastics, so we are unable to take items such as biscuit or crisp packets, salad bags or pet food pouches. It also really helps if the items are dry and clean of food residue.

“We know some supermarkets collect soft plastic, but we hope that having the Civic Centre as a drop-off point will help some people recycle even more of their rubbish and avoid it going to landfill.

“We would like to encourage businesses to get in touch if they would like to become a stretchy plastic drop-off point to help us raise the recycling rate in Torfaen.”

Roger Phillips from Capital Valley Plastics, said: “Together, if we all recycle a little bit more, and a little bit more often, we can all help raise the recycling rate in Torfaen.

“The stretchy plastic only travels to Blaenavon to be turned into sustainable building products such as damp proof membranes which locks in the carbon footprint of the product for as long as that building is standing.  By recycling the material in Torfaen it prevents the plastic from being incinerated or even worse ending up on the streets or in our oceans.

“Recycling is good for the environment, good for the taxpayer and is helping keep people employed in Torfaen.”

Could your business be a drop-off point?

If you are a business or know of a business interested in becoming a stretchy plastic drop-off point, please contact the Waste Team on 01495 762200 or email waste@torfaen.gov.uk.

Visit the council’s website for more information on recycling stretch plastic.