Poster for Cwmbran Big Event

The Cwmbran Big Event is back for 2022. The annual fun day attracts 1000s of people to the boating lake and nearby fields but coronavirus meant the 2020 event was cancelled and in 2021 the event was held online.

When is the Cwmbran Big Event 2022

It takes place on Saturday 11 June 2022 from 12pm to 5pm at the Boating Lake.

Enter the raft race

The popular raft race is free to enter and there are medals for the winners. Round up a team of six friends and email

Book a stall

The Big Event is organised by Cwmbran Community Council and they want to hear from people who want a staff. Email

Poster for Cwmbran Big Event

A raft race poster

Watch videos from the 2019 Cwmbran Big Event

During the 2019 event Cwmbran Life filmed a few Facebook Live videos. You can watch them here.