a year 8 rugby team
The sevens rugby team from year eight at Cwmbran High School with Callum Redman, WRU Rugby Hub Officer at the school

The sevens rugby team in year eight at Cwmbran High School won a tournament yesterday and didn’t lose a match.

They took part in the Year 8 WRU Dragons Schools 7s Competition 2023’ yesterday in Newbridge.

Callum Redman, WRU Rugby Hub Officer at Cwmbran High School, said: “We went undefeated all day and scored a total of 178 points throughout the day. With a total of 13 schools attending the competition, it was a massive achievement for the students, team and school as a whole. I’m very proud of how this group has come on both as a group and as individuals.”

Before the tournament one of the team said to Mr Redman, “Sir, if we win, will you buy us all a McDonald’s?” Following the final whistle and team’s celebrations, a player reminded him about his offer.  And true to his word he took them all for a meal on their way back to Cwmbran.

two rugby teams line up together
The finalists, Cwmbran High School and Newbridge

They played three group games and then beat Heolddu in the semi-final 26-7. This set them up for a final against Newbridge where the Cwmbran outfit came on top 22-12.

The winning year 8 Rugby 7s Team:

  • Oliver Jarman (Year 7)
  • Troy Raymond
  • Jack Willis
  • Charlie Wason-Burlow
  • Logan Rhys Lewis
  • Logan Baker
  • Zac Hoare
  • Jack Lewis
  • Jack Baribeault
  • Ellis Jones
  • Joshua Williams

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