A Cwmbran man is back on Channel 4 giving out advice to callers to Embarrassing Bodies: Live From The Clinic.
William Murdoch was a pupil at Fairwater Comprehensive School before heading to university and qualifying as a doctor.
He is a GP in Birmingham and after working on the last series of the programme he has been invited back.
Last Tuesday fans of the show saw him talking to Dr Christian Jessen and Dr Dawn Harper last Tuesday a problem he had himself with kidney stones.
Watch the clip here on C4 On Demand. He appears at 22min 10secs.
“It was great to be asked back to support the programme. Again, myself and Louise Newson are regular faces, albeit mainly in the background, with another six GPs who also support us. This series, like the others features people from across the UK with a variety of difficult problems.
“It’s often said, why are people to embarrassed to go to their GP yet happy to show it on live TV? It’s not like that – the contributors have almost always been to see their local NHS about a problem but perhaps it hasn’t been sorted out.
“Our brave contributors do amazing things to raise the profile of difficult conditions and this oftens encourages others out there who are too embarrassed to visit their GP as treatment is often available.”

Kidney Stones
“We have now done three episodes and are in the process go helping people with problems ranging from snoring through to a broken penis. In series three I had my minute of fame speaking to Dr Christian about kidney stones.
“It’s a true story and the sample in the bottle is my very own stone. Not for the fainthearted. Please tune in and if you have a problem that you would like to share that we might be able to help with, please get in touch via the website.”
William’s sister and parents still live in Cwmbran.
Embarrassing Bodies: Live From the Clinic series 4 is Channel 4 on Tuesdays at 8pm. You can also catch up on 4OD.