a car park
The car park at Caradoc Road in Cwmbran

Police have told Cwmbran Community Council that members of the public are not reporting problems of ‘anti-social behaviour and crime’ allegedly being caused by delivery drivers outside McDonald’s

Cwmbran Community Councillors raised the issue with police on behalf of their constituents. Inspector Jennie Tinsley-Brustad was invited to last Wednesday’s council meeting but was unable to attend. She emailed a written response that was read out by Clare Facey, acting clerk to the council.

Councillors asked: “What are police doing about the ASB being undertaken by the delivery drivers that are usually congregating outside McDonald’s in the Caradoc Road Car Park. Anecdotally I’ve heard reports of illegal parking, swearing, fighting, intimidation. I’ve also had reports of sexually harassing minors and causing major damage to vehicles. I’d also be curious to know if the police had undertaken any spot checks to see if drivers were insured for business use or not.”

‘ASB and crime not being reported to the police’

Inspector Tinsley-Brustad’s wrote: These incidents of ASB & Crime are not being reported to the police, I would encourage the message to be passed to all constituents to report such behaviour.

“We have been working with Kelly Williams (Anti-Social Behaviour Reduction Coordinator – Public Services Support Unit Torfaen Council) and her team to incorporate this type of behaviour within the application for a Public Spaces Prevention Order (PSPO) on the Town Centre.

“This area of the town centre is part of the Cwmbran Patrol Diary and is frequented on a daily basis by both Ward Managers and Community Support Officers.  McDonald’s have created a side entrance dedicated for delivery drivers to collect food and not congregate on within the town.

“In relation to the potential parking offences this is addressed by Cwmbran Town Security who continue to monitor the situation.

“Ward Manage PC Jason Ghalamkary completed an operation about six months ago in which vehicles were stopped leaving the car park by Mcdonald’s and documents checked.  We specifically look to establish if the driver has business insurance to allow them to conduct their deliveries.

“If they do not have the correct insurance, then the vehicle will be seized Under Section 165.  If the driver has the appropriate insurance, then we look at any other offences relating to that vehicle such as defects with the tyres and address them accordingly.

“PC Ghalamkary is looking to run this operation again heading into the festive period.”

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