a dropped kerb

DRIVERS who block pedestrian drop kerbs in Torfaen will be subject to a clampdown. 

The kerbs are intended to make it easier for those in wheelchairs, or with other mobility problems, and parents with prams to cross roads but Torfaen borough council has been told many find their paths are blocked by inconsiderate drivers. 

Cabinet member for the environment, Mandy Owen, told councillors she “understands and shares the frustration when dropped kerbs are obstructed”. 

She promised the council’s enforcement officers will be visiting areas, including near schools, where there are complaints about dropped kerbs being blocked. 

The Labour member said they can issue on-the-spot fines and warned: “Enforcement officers will be visiting areas and taking action.” 

She added: “If drivers park responsibly and they follow the highway code we wouldn’t have this problem.” 

Cllr David Thomas, independent member for Llantarnam, asked if the council would consider laying ‘H bar’ – or access protection markings – which are solid white lines with two vertical lines at either end as a reminder not to park over or beside the kerbs. 

Cllr Owen said they would be considered when appropriate which she added was usually in areas of high pedestrian use where the problem remains even after enforcement. A publicity and education campaign is also planned. 

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