two men with cups of tea
Inisde Sharon Full Gospel Church in Pontypool who recently received funding

Grants are available to help encourage more people to use community venues in Torfaen.

Torfaen Voluntary Alliance’s (TVA) Opening Doors Project is offering funding from £250 to £2,500. The aim is to reduce social isolation by bringing people together in the community.

Examples of things that could be funded are:

  • Furniture, e.g., seating
  • Equipment for the delivery of activities
  • Sessional workers
  • Noticeboards to display information
  • Promotion and marketing activities

TVA are working with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and Torfaen Council to help venues become focal points for social networks and drop-in sessions where people can meet and find information about local services and activities.

Funding has come fromk the Welsh Government Connected Communities: Loneliness and Social Isolation Fund. TVA are accepting grant applications.

table of food
An Easter collection at Sharon Full Gospel Church

Martin Carey from Fairhill Methodist Church successfully applied for a grant. She said:“The Connecting Torfaen, Opening Doors funding will very much help the further development of the Connexions Community Garden to fulfil the dream of providing a community outdoor space. This will be a place where people, from all walks of life, can encounter wildlife and experience the pleasure of growing produce either to eat or for their beauty.

“The application process was not too difficult, and the funding was forthcoming in a reasonable period. We very much look forward to spending the funding in a way that will make the garden an even more welcoming place.”

Opening Doors Logo

Naomi White Opening Doors development officer at Torfaen Voluntary Alliance said: “It’s wonderful to see the impact that this project is having on communities across Torfaen. It is now more important than ever to double down on efforts to bring communities together – boosting wellbeing and building relationships.”

Emma Davies-McIntosh, service development lead, Integrated Wellbeing Networks at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board said: “We know that social connections are important to keeping people healthy and well and that community centres are key to providing local opportunities for people to connect. We are pleased to continue to support the efforts of local organisations who do amazing things within their communities”.

Apply for a grant

Email for a form or to ask questions. More information is available on TVA’s website.