entrance sign to a farm
Greenmeadow Community Farm Credit: Cwmbran Life

A number of staff at Greenmeadow Community Farm are at risk of redundancy following a delay to carry out a £1.7m transformation.

Last October every councillor at the Full Council meeting voted to approve the investment into the venue. Earlier this month the council announced that developers had told them the new-look farm would ready for spring 2025. At the same time the council said the farm would partially reopen to the public in summer 2023.

Cwmbran Life asked the council if any farm staff were facing redundancy, how many, and if the plans for new facilities had changed. The council would not give numbers but confirmed:

  • All the livestock and maintenance team continue to carry out their duties at the farm.
  • There are members of staff identified as being at risk of redundancy. The council is currently in a period of consultation with these staff.
  • Any staff who are made redundant following the consultation would get support and could be redeployed to other jobs in the council.
  • Staff with casual contracts no longer have roles but would be able to apply for new roles that may become available.

A source at the farm said that 11 staff had been made redundant or were in consultation about redundancy or redeployment. The person said: “We’ve been told that the final plans won’t look like they were at the reveal in October last year. Multiple meetings have happened since we’ve shut and no work is yet to be carried as planning isn’t due to be accepted until June at the earliest.

“We were told we would be involved in the design of the new farm. Not once did the council tell us we would be partially opening in the summer, we found out through Facebook. The plans that were announced for the rebuild of the farm are being re-looked at due to the costs of materials and things are being moved around.”

Beth McPherson, head of communities and renewal at Torfaen Council, said: “Although visible work on the ground has been delayed, the project is moving forward and several site surveys will take place over the coming weeks.  Internal works within the farm buildings has started so there are facilities, such as the shop and kitchen that we can’t offer to visitors. We understand this is a difficult time for these staff and consultation is ongoing with those who have been identified as at risk of redundancy. Not all farm staff are affected, no redundancy notices have been issued and we are exploring opportunities for redeploying staff who are at risk.

“Like all households, this project is also having to deal with the current impact of significant inflation. This is hitting the construction market which is now requiring further engagement in relation to the design and build. However, we are still committed to delivering our exciting vision for the farm and achieving best value.

“We know the public are eager to revisit the farm, so we’re making arrangements to reopen some areas for this summer to allow children to visit the animals and enjoy the farm experience while work is ongoing. We thank everyone for their patience and will provide further detail over summer opening arrangements during April.”

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