Jason O'Connell
Jason O'Connell

Jason O’Connell is standing as an Independent candidate and here he writes why he thinks you should vote for him in the Llantarnam Ward election taking place this Thursday.

“Local elections are about one thing: local people.

“Party politics has no part to play & I can assure you that Rishi Sunak, Sir Kier Starmer or Mark Drakeford do not care at all if our fields & ancient trees get developed on,  if your children receive education from schools in constant special measures or if your waste collections are missed & strewn all over the road.

“Independent Councillors do care, I care.

“I care because those are the issues that matter day to day for residents living in our community- they matter to you.

“Llantarnam is the Boroughs best ward because it has already elected 2 Independent Councillors that understand they work for you, and not a party. If an issue arises in our community & a major political party has an interest, the party leadership will dictate how their councillors will vote. As our community has seen in the past, this is often directly against the wishes of the very people that elect them! An Independent Councillor takes the view of those that elect them and those people alone.  There is no slippery party career ladder to climb, no financial interest, no one else to answer to, no other special interests outside of serving our community.

“One question that you may chose to ask when making your candidate decision is ‘How will my chosen candidate work alongside the 2 current ward Councillors?’, I can say with some certainty as the only candidate that has the unequivocal backing & support of the 2 current ward councillors Cllr David Thomas & Cllr Alan Slade that we will work very well as a team, all pushing in the same direction for Llantarnam, Oakfield and Southville”s benefit.  Any other choice brings the opportunity and likelihood of parties directing divisive policies against the wishes of the community they are supposed to serve.

“Those that know me, know that I am hard working, committed and exceptionally determined- I get things done.  I’ve spent a full term as a Borough Councillor, helping many people through the peak of the COVID pandemic, helping on housing, advocating for them in their times of dire need. I spent numerous years on the Planning Committee making important arguments for saving our green spaces such as the field at Oakfield & Court Farm Community Centre. I’m the only person on the ballot with this experience, this capability to call upon when needed. It’s a role I understand in depth and have excelled at.

“I continue to invest in our community, be it with time on various ward wide initiatives, or through donations such as selection boxes for local children at Christmas.   My family are from Oakfield, where my parents still live, which is the area I grew up in & around.  I attended Oakfield school before going on to Llantarnam Comprehensive.  I love this community, I know this community and owe this area and it’s people everything, they made me who I am and I have a debt of gratitude to pay with my service as your Councillor.

“If selected,  serve I will.

“I have several exciting projects that I’m looking forward to delivering which include but am not limited to; a new park in Southville, developing a solution to the muddy verges on Llywelyn Road, commemorative boards for Oakfield & Llantarnam Schools, working on developing and supporting our fantastic local businesses and generating a new community orchard in Oakfield to name a few. It is only with your support that these can be realised.

“So my ask is simple, please consider the fact that political parties have no role to play in these local elections and put them to one side.  Use your vote on the 2nd Feb for your Independent Candidate Jason O’Connell, vote for local people to have the strongest possible local representation on local issues. Vote for me in this election & we can make sure Llantarnam, Oakfield and Southville stay as Torfaen’s best ward.”

How to contact Jason

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