Cllr Giles Davies
Cllr Giles Davies is now an Independent councillor for Abersychan(Picture: Torfaen County Borough Council)

A Labour councillor in Torfaen has left the party and is now an Independent after speaking out about changes to waste and recycling collections.

Torfaen Council is consulting residents on moving the collection of purple-lidded bins from every two weeks to every three or four weeks alongside the introduction of weekly cardboard collection and other new services.

Cllr Giles Davies represents the Aberscychan Ward. On 31 March he shared a tweet saying that he couldn’t support proposals for the purple-lidded bins to be collected every three or four weeks. He said: “In my humble opinion, once we have a proven track record of regular collections and current figures, then I will consider supporting, but until non-recyclers are educated and enforcement is carried out to help raise figures, I cannot put my name to this as a ward member for Abersychan & Garndiffaith.”

On Friday 14 April, he announced on social media that he had left the Labour Party and become an Independent. His decision means he has lost his role as chair of the licensing committee and the extra salary payment it receives.

Cllr Davies said: “After many sleepless nights and a few discussions, I still feel torn over the handling of this bin survey within Torfaen. I am put here in this role as YOUR Voice to act on YOUR best interests and the way this issue is being handled in my opinion isn’t in YOUR best interests.

“I have made my views public, but am extremely disappointed that no other Labour member has backed me publicly. I have therefore decided to leave the Party to represent YOU as an Independent with the best of my ability with immediate effect.

“Please respect my decision, I have also given up a Senior Paid Position to stand by what I feel is the right thing to do for residents in my ward and further afield.”

Tweet shared by Cllr Davies on 31 March

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