a road with some trees alongside it
Windsor Road in Fairwater

Police are appealing for information after a man was found with serious injuries at a house in Windsor Road, Fairwater.

They were called at around 10am on Sunday 12 March. A 69-year-old man was taken to the Grange University Hospital by paramedics from the Welsh Ambulance Service. He remains in a critical condition (as of 10.28am today).

Detective Inspector Gavin Torjesen, the officer in the case, said: “Enquires are ongoing as we try to establish the timeline and circumstances of his injuries. We’re keen to hear from anyone who may have information or details that could assist officers, particularly if you’ve not yet spoken to us.

“If you have CCTV or dashcam footage from the St Dials area of Cwmbran, close to Windsor Road and Blenheim store between the morning of Friday 10 March and Sunday 12 March, we want to hear from you.”

Do you have any information?

Call 101 or send Gwent Police a direct message on social media quoting log reference 2300080407. Or call  Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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