Drivers who are in Morrisons car park in Cwmbran for longer than ten minutes from 11pm to 5am now face a fine of £100
For several years signs have warned about a fine for using the car park for longer than three hours. Customers are told that there is a ‘maximum stay (of) three hours during store opening hours’.
But recently signs have been updated to say there is also a: “Maximum stay (of) ten minutes outside of these times.’

Cwmbran Life contacted the supermarket to find out more and was told the new ‘ten minute’ limit applies during a specific time zone.
A Morrisons spokesperson said: “We can confirm that we have introduced a new 10 minute limit in our car park between the hours of 11pm-5am whilst the store is closed. New signs were introduced in advance to make customers aware of the changes before they took effect.”
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