shops in cwmbran town centre
19.5 million people visited Cwmbran Centre during 2022

The owners of Cwmbran Centre have revealed that footfall was 19.5 million in 2022, an increase of 8% (1.5 million) on 2021.

LCP Group bought the centre at the beginning of last year and said that they have attracted 22 new stores, including the Carro Lounge which opened at the former Square Inn site.

A spokesperson said since they took over there is a “95% occupancy” and this is the town’s “highest rate in the past five years.”

Alex Williams, of LCP, said: “A combination of intensive asset management, ensuring that we attract the right names that we are confident will do well at Cwmbran Centre, and society getting back to a more normal way of life post Covid-19 restrictions, has resulted in a bumper year for the centre.

“Cwmbran Centre is the main shopping destination in the area, and we are working hard to make sure it’s a place people of all ages want to visit. This approach is paying off and we know from our regular customer survey audits that our customers welcome the new brands that are attracted to the centre.”

LCP recently bought Leisure@Cwmbran, the complex that includes Vue Cinema, Hollywood Bowl, Tiffins Indian Restaurant and Simply Gym.

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