Phil Davies
Phil Davies

Phil Davies is standing for the Green Party and here he writes why he thinks you should vote for him in the Llantarnam Ward election taking place this Thursday.

“Hi I’m Phil Davies your Green Party Candidate for the upcoming Llantarnam bye election. I have lived in the Oakfield area of this ward all my life aside from 4 years away at university. As such I am well aware of the many issues the ward faces. I attended both the old Oakfield Primary School and Llantarnam Comprehensive School. If elected I can provide a much needed determined local voice who can and already does stand up for the people of the area.

“The Green Party doesn’t whip its elected councillors so I would be completely free to speak up independently for the area. I firmly believe in genuine grassroots democracy so my voting on issues would be dependent on what local residents wanted and were telling me specific issues. This is also why I have tried to get out and talk to and more importantly listen to as many residents as I can in person. Your local councillor should be working for you and the issues that are affecting your life. I am always happy to listen and help come up with solutions so please do get in touch.

“You should vote me as I will guarantee you year-round hard work to make our area a better place to live. I already do lots of work with volunteer groups in the area such as Llarcs community group and also join Eco Warriors of Bran’s big litter picks when I can. On top of this I also do lots of solo work year-round to ensure that the Llantarnam ward is a more pleasant place to live for all residents.

“Last year I personally removed more than 100 bags of rubbish plus other large fly tipped objects from across the ward. Including removing many large items that had been fly tipped into Dowlais Brook and cleaning up many of the children’s play areas. I have also successfully campaigned for instalment of bins and dog poo bins in problem areas in the ward. I have also recently attended Climate Action Torfaen’s first meeting of 2023 to discuss with other residents including the Councils Climate Ambassadors about how we can ensure Torfaen is a better place for everyone to live both now and into the future.

“I am also always happy to help residents with any problems they have identified in the ward and have been able to personally help resolve many issues that were brought to my attention. By electing me you would help give me more time and power to enact positive changes for Llantarnam residents by having a position on the council. 

“Torfaen council like all councils across Wales also suffers from the fact it doesn’t have enough elected younger people and thus isn’t representative of its community. By voting for me you will be helping to elect a younger passionate and determined voice who can add a different enthusiastic and innovative dynamic to the council. The council is currently represented by only Labour and Independent candidates.

“Across Wales Green councillors were elected last May, these communities are now seeing the huge benefits having an elected Green can bring. When we say Greens work harder that’s not a slogan it’s a fact! As the campaigns officer for the Young Greens, I am also passionate about improving our educational services so that every child has access to good quality schools and this is something I would be keen to help with in Llantarnam if elected.

“I also feel it’s important our younger residents in Llantarnam have somebody they can relate more with to speak up for their views at council meetings. Far to often they are talked down to or patronised. I will instead treat every resident’s voice equally.

“Thank you to Cwmbran Life for this article and thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read it. Please do go out and vote on Thursday January 2nd bye elections often are decided by just a few votes. For a hardworking young, local candidate who is free to speak up for the residents of Llantarnam, Vote Phil Davies and Vote Green!

“Check out the following social media links to see what I’m up to year-round and ask me questions as I’m always happy to help people out.”

How to contact Phil

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