artist's impression of new signs at a factory
Artist's impression of new signage (Photo: Torfaen Council planning application)

A Cwmbran factory has been given planning permission for nine new signs and flag poles.

Crane Process Flow Technologies Ltd on Grange Road applied for permission to install:

  • x2 aluminium frame w/ company branding, 3.5m x 1.5m, non-illuminated
  • x2 aluminium frame w/ company branding, 4.15m x 1.5m, non-illuminated
  • x1 aluminium frame w/ company branding, 2.8m x 1m, non-illuminated
  • x1 steel lettering, 10m x 0.8m, non-illuminated
  • x3 sets of branded flag poles, 6m height, no illumination

The council’s report said: “Overall, the proposed advertisements are considered acceptable from a visual perspective.”

They were deemed not to be a “danger to pedestrians” or a “distraction” to road users.

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