People in an online meeting
Residents and councillors joined the online meeting

A MEETING to kickstart plans for a new climate ambassadors network in Torfaen has been held.

Twelve local residents met with Torfaen councillor Mandy Owen, executive member for the environment, and Rachel Jowitt, the council’s lead chief officer for climate change, to discuss the idea of a community-based network.

Paul Stephens, from New Inn, who attended the meeting on Tuesday, said: “I’m really concerned about global warming and the loss of open spaces. We’re ruining the only planet we have but governments can only do so much.

“I’m interested in finding out how we can reduce unnecessary car journeys and to explore the opportunities for community allotments.”

Councillor Mandy Owen, executive member for the environment, said: “It was fantastic to see so many people who are passionate about reducing emissions in Torfaen.

“Climate change is the biggest challenge facing the world today. No single organisation can crack the challenge of becoming net carbon zero on its own and we look forward to working with the group, and all residents, to meet the challenge of tackling climate change.”

Rachel Jowitt, Torfaen council’s chief officer for neighbourhoods, planning, public protection and climate change, added: “We have three challenges facing us – for the council as an organisation to be carbon net zero by 2030, for Torfaen as a county to be net carbon by 2050 and to halt the loss of biodiversity.

“The meeting generated a lot of interesting conversations around decarbonisation, transport, recycling and reducing waste.

“The next step is for the group to decide what the ambassador roles would involve and how the network to support the council and the community ahead of another meeting early next year.”
Residents interested in joining the network can email

Public consultation

A public consultation on Torfaen council’s climate and nature emergency draft action plan is open until Sunday, with details at