a pavement with cracks in it
A photograph showing the damage it's claimed the tree's roots have caused to the pavement. (Picture: Torfaen County Borough Council planning file)

A PROTECTED tree could be removed from a street in Cwmbran as its roots have uprooted the pavement.

Housing association Melin Homes has asked Torfaen Borough Council for permission to fell the London Plane tree outside a house in Gifford Close.

The species are the most common tree in the English capital and are thought to be a cross between the Oriental plane and the American sycamore – both of which had been introduced to Britain – and can grow to 35 metres and live for hundreds of years.

Melin Homes has asked for permission to remove the tree, which is subject to a tree protection order, and it says it plans to replace it with a tree “more suited for this location”.

Information supplied to the council states: “The tree is outgrowing the location. Pavement and drive have been lifted/damaged by the roots.”

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