The junior section at Cwmbran Harriers athletics club is so popular that the Monday night session is just for beginners.
I spotted club coach Angela Jones leaving the track at Cwmbran Stadium tonight and asked her for a quick interview. Click the play button below or click this link to go to audioboo.
The club members are getting top quality coaching from Angela as she is the current Wales triathlon champion. Her background is in mountain running and she has represented Wales at five world championships.
I asked her if the London 2012 Olympics has had an impact on the club.
“I’ve seen probably half a dozen more childen coming down here and loads of enquiries. But the enthusiasm in the children after watching the Olympics, they are all more fired up than what they were before.”
New members, aged nine and above, are welcome to train on Monday nights from 6pm to 7.30pm. Find our more about the club by visiting their website.
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